Q8 Ticketfuel for corporate welfare

Q8 Ticketfuel for corporate welfare


Also in 2023 it will be possible to reward your employees with petrol bonuses.
This is confirmed by Decree Law No. 5 of 14 January 2023, which gives private companies the opportunity to request up to €200 in Fuel Vouchers for employees.

This welfare tool is useful for making employee parking quick and easy, does not contribute to income training for the employee and is fully deductible for companies

The  Q8 Ticketfuel allows you to refuel in total comfort in a wide network of almost 3,000 Q8 and Q8easy stations and  have many advantages: they are customizable, available in cuts ranging from 5€ to 520€ and can be easily managed from your smartphone via the RecardQ8 App


How to buy digital fuel vouchers

1. Register on the website
Access the RecardQ8 portal or register

2. Recharge wallet
Recharge your digital wallet and select the desired amount

 3. Request Q8 Ticketfuel and RecardQ8 Coupons for your employees
Choose your Q8 digital fuel vouchers for your business



To find out more about Q8 Ticketfuel fuel vouchers, please contact your sales representative or contact our Customer Service.

How to use Ticketfuel Q8 fuel vouchers?

You can pay for your refueling with Q8 Ticketfuel vouchers in the presence of the operator or at the petrol station, by typing the 12 digits that make up the fuel voucher. Alternatively, you can pass the barcode to the barcode reader. 

Discover all the stations enabled to pay with Q8 Ticketfuel.