Q8 supports the project
"Long Live the Constitution,
The Constitution is Alive!"

A didactic project and a web application to rediscover the Italian Constitution on the 75th anniversary of its enactment.

Educating on the Values of the Constitution

Q8 supports the “Long Live the Constitution, The Constitution Is Alive!” educational project and brings the fundamental law of the Italian State to primary schools. The project by Foundation Articolo49 seizes the opportunity of the 75th anniversary of the Constitution of the Italian Republic to help today’s children become proactive and aware citizens tomorrow, introducing them to national and international institutions that implement and protect the values of peace, democracy, and respect for humanity.

Project Numbers

3 years, 3 major themes, 16 videos, plenty of teaching materials available to teachers, 7,300 students from fourth- and fifth-grade classes in primary schools, 17 regions. Finally, a final competition through which students can express how they perceive the Constitution in their daily lives.

A New Way to Read the Italian Constitution

The “Long Live the Constitution, The Constitution is Alive!” project is also a navigable website that, through data visualization techniques, offers a new way to read, “measure,” and rediscover the relevance of the Constitution and the “numbers” that characterise it.