Naples LNG Coastal Depot

Towards a greener mobility


The world is changing. Driven by the Paris Agreement for climate actions, the European Parliament approved “the European Green Deal”.
It is a set of policy initiatives with the overarching aim of making Europe climate neutral in 2050. With almost Zero-Particulate and low CO2 emissions, LNG represents the optimal solution already available today for maritime transport and heavy road transport.

Project “Naples LNG Coastal Depot” aims at developing a small-scale storage equipped with bunkering facilities and truck loading bays and this will make LNG an easily available and price-competitive fuel throughout Central and Southern Italy in line with the European green strategy and international regulations on sustainable mobility for maritime and heavy road transportation.
Even in the current complex scenario we are experiencing, Q8 maintains a long-term strategic vision, a strategy that aims at innovation and environmental protection, willing to play a leading role in the energy transition.
This important investment in the South Italy attests our shareholders’ trust in the Italian market and strengthens the connection with the city of Naples where for years Q8 has been a strategic reference player for energy supply, a role that with this new project it may consolidate further.

This project (study) is Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union under Action n° 2019-IT-TM-0112-S (Grant Agreement n° 2112021).
DURATION: 27th February 2020 – 31st December 2021
EUROPEAN UNION GRANT (Connecting Europe Facility): € 669.532