A podcast to tune in and explore new worlds.

Many stories told by Q8 together with Carolina Di Domenico, to listen to on the main podcast platforms.

Muoversi Liberamente

Join Q8 and Carolina di Domenico on a journey through stories of those who have chosen unconventional paths, who have ventured into new territories, often unexplored. And they do it their own way, against the current. In a few words: freely.


I protagonisti

Red Longo

Born in Ethiopia and adopted by Italian parents, Red Longo lives in Milan. As a teenager, he discovered graffiti and decided to build a new character around his tag to showcase to the world. He defines himself as a visual artist and can move from graffiti to painting to fashion

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Diego Gastaldi

Diego developed a passion for sports from a young age, practicing volleyball and martial arts. After a road accident in 2011, he became a well-known Paralympic athlete thanks to the program Tú sí que vales. He now works as a documentarian, sharing his travels through social media.

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Sailing Shibuni

The Barberis family has been living on a sailboat since 2020. Sara Rossini and Stefano Barberis, along with their children Iago, Nina, and Timo, and Pepper, the lifeguard Labrador, have fulfilled their dream of living aboard Shibumi and traveling slowly, respecting the environment and promoting sustainability.

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Stray Cats

Stray Cats Life, Nicola Fabbiano, and Silvia Morelli, are a couple of camper enthusiasts. Since 2020, along with their cats Cosmo and Hope, they have turned their greatest passion, traveling, into their work. They have published two books and, through their content creation and travel blogging activities, have created a community of hundreds of thousands of followers.

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Igles Corelli

A five-Michelin-starred chef, Igles Corelli is known to the public for his appearances on Gambero Rosso's programs. In 1996, he opened La Locanda della Tamerice, and from 2010 to 2017, he served as the executive chef of the Atman restaurant. Since 2010, he has described his cuisine as Garibaldina, uniting the entire Italy. He hosts the segment "Il gusto di Igles" on Gambero Rosso Channel.

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Laura Broglio

Laura Broglio has been a truck driver since 2015. She fell in love with trucking while studying modern literature, which she abandoned to get behind the wheel. Besides driving, she works as a content creator, combining entertainment and education to improve the image of truck drivers and reveal the emotional richness of the industry.

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Yassin En Naimi, known as Yakinop, is a creator specializing in investigative and geographical content. Among his activities are content such as locating family members through photos and lighter content like geoguessr gameplay.

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Veronica Tati

With a degree in foreign languages and literatures, Veronica Tati worked as a librarian and bookstore manager for seven years. In 2021, she opened Nicabooks, the first Italian Instagram account on the bookseller profession. In 2023, she decided to focus exclusively on the page and on consulting for bookstores.

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Carolina Di Domenico

A radio and television host, Carolina made her debut on RAI in 1999. She gained fame with the programs "Dancefloor Chart" and "Hitlist Italia" on MTV Italia. In 2007, she hosted the music segment "Perché Sanremo è Sanremo," and in 2018, she hosted the Dopofestival with Edoardo Leo, the semifinals of Eurovision on Rai 4, and the final on Radio 2. She has also been involved in the Eurovision Song Contest, presenting the votes of the Italian jury in 2021 and providing commentary in 2022.

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