Sustainability Report

Even more sustainable, towards a better future.

Q8 drafted the 2022-2023 Sustainability Report according to the international standards of the Global Reporting Initiative. The report analyzes the commitment and results achieved by the Company in terms of Environmental, Social and Governance and is in line with the 17 sustainable development goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.

“I am really proud of how the Company, even in such a difficult and complex year, - said Fadel Al Faraj, Q8 CEO – has managed to successfully achieve challenging goals, making an active contribution to the energy transition process, focussing on the development of alternative fuels, electric mobi¬lity and innovative and increasingly sustainable products. “
“And this – Al Faraj went on – is thanks to the valuable contribution of all its stakeholder, from customers to suppliers, from partners to our people, up to the territory which is our home. I firmly believe that it will be the alliances among the various players that make it possible to face the global challenges effectively and sustainably, creating a better future for all of us.”


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Sustainability Report 2022-2023.

Sustainability Reports

You can download the new Sustainability Report and those of previous years in PDF format to save and share it.